
Tuesday 10 September 2013


Thursday 17 November 2011

Stop Sleep Apnea

Stop Sleep Apnea - Now You Can Stop Sleep Apnea The Natural Way


Are you considering purchasing a cpap machine to stop sleep apnea? Or if you are already using a cpap machine to stop your sleep apnea, and you’re fed up with the fact that it’s just so uncomfortable, unnatural, and it plays such an undignified part in your life.

It may be monitoring your airflow, but the noise from the machine, and the belching are waking you up at night. If you’re fed up with the dry mouth, and all the other side effects that are associated with the cpap machine, then you might want to consider a completely natural way to stop sleep apnea.

Now this is not the typical advice you may have heard over, and over again about how to stop sleep apnea naturally. For example, you may have heard that simply losing weight will greatly help to stop your sleep apnea, while this is perfectly true, losing weight is much easier said than done. What about cutting out your relaxing cold beer after a hard day at work, or trying to sleep in positions you find uncomfortable? Surely there must be an easier, more enjoyable way for you to stop sleep apnea?

There have been fairly recent medical developments, and it’s been discovered that spending a few minutes each day using simple throat exercises can totally eliminate, if not massively help you to stop sleep apnea once and for all. The technical name for these simple to do throat exercises is called ‘oropharyngeal exercises’ but although the term sounds complicated, they are very simple and effective.

These exercises originated from the same exercises as used by professional speech and language pathologists for speech therapy, and improved swallowing function.

Surely spending a few minutes each day, while you’re awake doing some exercises is much preferable to spending all night with a mask on your face? Are you intrigued?

Well why not start on a journey for you to stop sleep apnea now? Here are a couple of simple throat exercises you can do right now.

1. You can do this any time of the day, wherever you happen to be, whether at home, in the car, at work… It involves sucking your tongue up against your palate, and hold it there for three minutes at a time. What this does is it improves the strength of your tongue protrusion. You’ll know your doing it right when you feel the muscles in your throat being strengthened, preparing the way for better airflow and a restful sleep.

2. Blow up a balloon. Buy a packet of balloons right now, rip open the packet, and inflate one of them. Blow as hard, and with as much force as you can muster, then breathe in deeply through your nose, repeat this five times without removing the balloon from your mouth. What this does is improve the strength of your pharyngeal wall. A natural way to stop sleep apnea.

Hopefully these two tips will give you a taste, if you’re looking for a natural way to stop sleep apnea. When you go to sleep at night, every single muscle in your body becomes totally relaxed, and unfortunately this also includes your throat muscles, they become limp while you are sleeping and stop you breathing. The only way to strengthen them is through exercise, just the same as any other muscle in your body.

You won't stop sleep apnea overnight, but the results can be faster than you might think, if you persevere with regular throat exercises. Remember when you go for a walk, or stand up, or sit down, or mow the lawn, the rest of your muscles are being strengthened all the time. A cpap machine will help clear your airways, but it's artificial, and not natural, if you want to stop sleep apnea the natural way keep up with your throat exercises.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Respironics Cpap Machine

Respironics Cpap Machine - Is There a Better Option?


Deep down you’ve known it for a long time, for years now you’ve managed to find something to distract you, to take your mind off it… But now finally your officially diagnosed with sleep apnea. A respironics cpap machine is now playing a starring role in your list of apprehensions in life, as though you needed another addition to your worries.

So what is a respironics Cpap machine anyway? Well Cpap stands for continuous positive airway pressure, and that’s what’s been at the root of your debilitating life all these years, the cause of your exhaustion, the reason you’ve been feeling so frustrated and irritable. The airway pressure to your lungs is not one hundred percent continuous, but in fact pauses for periods while you sleep, and giving you a whole lot of grief into the bargain.

That’s a pretty scary thought isn’t it? And you can hardly be blamed for putting off facing up to it for so long. But now it’s hit you like a runaway steamroller, your not getting any younger, and this thing has the very real potential to kill you!

So now your seriously considering this respironics Cpap machine thing. Will it really work for me your asking. You know you don’t fancy the idea of going to bed with a huge mask attached to your face, it’s just not sexy! How will my partner feel sleeping next to a machine you’re wondering.

You’ve discovered that there are mixed reviews on the subject. Some give a very positive feed-back, and love it to bits. They can’t recommend it enough, and can’t stop raving about how it’s changed there lives. While others openly and boldly make clear their dislike for the respironics Cpap machine.

Maybe I should give it some time your thinking, why not give it the benefit of the doubt? After all you’ve noticed that some sleep apnea sufferers in the past have been sceptical, if not indeed downright reluctant to try the respironics Cpap machine, but then after persevering for some time, it has become less of an irritant to them, they’ve gotten used to it now, and doesn’t even bother them at all they say!

Ok fair enough, any things worth a try isn’t? Any thing that has the potential to have a positive influence on your life is worth a try isn’t it?

Consider the costs of a respironics cpap machine

Well there is one pretty major thing to consider right now, especially with the economic conditions we’re experiencing, and that is money! What if you’re already in a lot of debt? These machines are not the cheapest of things to buy are they? Can you afford to get yourself into even more debt than you’re already in? And what if it doesn’t work out for you? What if you use this respironics Cpap machine once and you totally hate it, and decide for sure that you are never going to use it ever again?

You will still have to keep up the payments! You will have to continue paying for something that you are never going to use. Surely that would only compound your condition, and just add to your worries.

And there is good reason to reconsider purchasing a respironics Cpap machine, because after all let’s face it there are a lot of negative side effects with these machines, like it gives you a dry mouth, some sleep apnea sufferers suffer even more because the noise from the machine keeps them awake at night.

Some find it intensely claustrophobic and can’t stand wearing it. Some find it downright just uncomfortable to use. Some get disturbed by the changes in pressure. Still others are rudely awoken with the air and gas belching.

It’s no wonder so many people are just sick and fed up with it. So is there an alternative? Is there a better option to the respironics Cpap machine?

Well I have stumbled upon a program that has been scientifically proven to cure sleep apnea! Yes you heard right I actually said the word cure. And if it doesn’t cure you it is guaranteed to at the very least significantly reduce your sleep apnea.

I know that is a very bold statement, but it’s absolutely true. It’s called the ‘Sleep Apnea Exercise Program’ and it’s the answer to thousands of sleep apnea sufferers that are spending a fortune on things that don’t work.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not knocking the respironics Cpap machine, or anything else that might be helping some people, all I’m saying is you have an alternative option if you feel the respironics Cpap machine may not be for you.

An alternative solution for the respironics cpap machine

The reason there are so many people struggling is because they are simply unaware that this program exists. The ‘Sleep Apnea Exercise Program’ is the only one of it’s kind. There is no other program like this in the world, that guarantees to cure your sleep apnea, or at the very least reduce it substantially.

So why can you have full confidence that the ‘Sleep Apnea Exercise Program’ will work for you? Well because sleep apnea is increasingly becoming a massive problem all over the world, and to address this matter the ‘Sleep Apnea Exercise Program’ has been developed in cooperation with leading speech language pathologists and other health authorities.

Now don’t worry, this has nothing to do with going to the gym, you can enjoy this program relaxing on your sofa. The program will introduce to you, and explain what ‘Orofacial Exercises’ are and how they cure sleep apnea.

Even if you’ve already tried losing weight, or anything else to cure your sleep apnea and failed miserably, you will find the ‘Sleep Apnea Exercise Program’ a pleasant relief, with it’s combination of online videos, and the in-depth step- by-step manual that you will receive.

Watch a free online video presentation here.
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